If the cuisine of
the Central region is bold with the character of a sunny, of the South region
is a mixture of different cuisines, the North cuisine is boldly the core of the
ancient culture. Northern dishes are refined and become the norm that is not
easy to change. Northern cuisine is a good taste, frugal .light but colorful,
not dark, spicy, sweet and fat.
Therein PHO is
the food has the most characteristics of northern cuisines. Behind each bowl of
PHO is the unique flavor that is difficult to confuse. It’s no coincidence that
the world’s top chefs to try it at least once in the life.
PHO is a dish that anyone
can cook but not everyone cooks well. The following is a cooking recipe of beef PHO that is simple and easy to make.
1- Cow bone : 2kg
2- Lean beef : 1kg
3- Tenderloin beef,
sliced thinly: 150g
4- Ginger: 1 bulb cut
into halves lengthwise
5- Onion :
02 bulbs
6- Green onion : 30g
7- Fish sauce : just enough
8- Sugar : just enough
9- Anise flower : 8 flowers
10- Cloves flower : 6 flowers
11- Cinnamon : 20g
12- Cumin seeds :
13- Coriander seeds : 10g
14- Salt
15- Rice noodle (banh
pho): 500g
16- Spices: chilli,
coriander, sprouts, lemon, basil
17- Soybean, milled fine II- PROCESSING